To get you guys out of your April 15th funk and make your day a little less taxing (ha ha!), your friends here at The Cry of the Strip proudly introduce you to the man who brings life to the llama-loving, waitress-wooing, hard-rocking bundle of ego known as "Stacee Jaxx"...James Carpinello!

1. Full Name: James Anthony Carpinello
2. Nickname(s): Carp, Carpy, my buddy's daughter calls me 'google eye!'
3. Role(s) in “Rock of Ages”: Stacee Jaxx and Sherrie's dad just long enough to sing 'Sister Christian'...Awesome.
4. Song you most looking forward to performing in the show each night: 'Every Rose'...favorite part of the show!
5. Funniest / most embarrassing moment in the run of the show so far? Someone at the stage door told me they had some socks to give me...was that a hint?
6. In “Rock of Ages,” Drew’s a barback, Lonny’s a sound engineer and Sherrie’s a waitress. If you weren’t in a hit musical on Broadway, what would you be doing for a living? I live in Los Angeles and have a production company, so probably working on one of our films. Or being a manny for my two kids!
7. Ever seen one of the artists with a song in "Rock of Ages" in concert? If so, who? All of them. On YouTube.
8. If your life right now could be described with an 80's song title, what would it be? 'Caribbean Queen' by Billy Ocean.
Stay tuned for more interviews soon!
Rock on,
Miss Lizzy
#5, holy crap