Welcome to our latest installment of "Rock of Ages Class of '09," where you get to meet the newest members of the ROA family.
Next up...Jeremy Jordan!

Full Name: Jeremy Michael Jordan
Nickname(s): JJ
Role(s) in “Rock of Ages”: Understudy - Drew, Franz, Stacee Jaxx, and EnsembleFunniest Moment in Rehearsals So Far: Watching Katherine Tokarz do Constance Sack for the first time. Brilliant.
Favorite "Schoolhouse Rock" song: Sadly, I think I'm too young for the Schoolhouse Rock era... I could probably think of a couple random songs I've heard around the schoolyard, but I can't say I ever watched it. [editor's note: http://www.school-house-rock.com/]
In “Rock of Ages,” Drew’s a barback, Lonny’s a sound engineer and Sherrie’s a waitress. If you weren’t about to be in a hit musical on Broadway, what would you be doing for a living? That's easy. I'd be a Ninja. Next question.
If you had to describe your life at the moment with an 80’s song title, what would it be? Probably "Don't Stop Believin", although, it would be totally sweet if the answer was "You Shook Me All Night Long"... but its not...Rock on!
Miss Lizzy
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