It's official.
Amy Spanger, after a few weeks resting her voice from the past few months of sold out face melting performances as leading lady Sherrie Christian, has announced she is leaving the show effective now. She cites "personal reasons" for bowing out, though we trust the decision will be positive for her and the time she spent with the cast will be a fond memory for her and all of us as well who enjoyed her work. She brought a high level of killer talent to the show - singing, dancing and especially comic acting - and was super sweet and adorable to boot.
Savannah Wise has been playing the role of Sherri in the interim and will continue, we understand, until the producers find a suitable replacement. While we enjoy Savannah quite a lot as "Waitress #1" her Sherrie is a fabulous upgrade and not to be missed! Go Sav!
For my money, Savannah's already a suitable replacement.